How to Care For Dental Bridges

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Dental bridges are an efficient, effective method of filling in the gap left by a missing tooth. Installing a dental bridge involves applying crowns to the teeth on either side of the missing tooth, and then installing a false tooth, known as a pontic, between them. As WebMD explains, these false teeth are typically made of gold, metal or porcelain. They can last as long as ten years with good care, and have many advantages, from the restoration of your smile to the way they prevent the surrounding teeth from drifting. This short guide explains how to care for dental bridges properly to make them last as long as possible. 

Improve Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Colgate explains that one of the biggest threats to dental bridges is tooth decay, typically caused by food sticking to the area around the bridge. Make sure that you brush twice a day and use mouthwash. You should also use floss or interdental brushes to clean between your teeth, as this is where food can stick and cause problems. You should also invest in an oral irrigator, a device which sprays water between the teeth. This is particularly important for those with bridges or crowns, as it will clean areas of the teeth that brushing and flossing typically miss.

Examine Your Diet

As your bridge is supported on either side by crowns, it is important to take care of these crowns. Certain foods should be avoided if you have a dental crown, as they can pull it and stick to it, causing damage. You should avoid sticky, chewy foods such as gummy sweets, toffees, and raisins, and you should also be careful not to bite down on hard foods such as boiled sweets and popcorn kernels. Chewing ice should be avoided, as should sticky, fizzy drinks that cause damage to the teeth.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Regular dentist visits are especially important if you have bridges or crowns installed. As well as examining your teeth and giving you advice on your overall oral health, they will be able to spot early signs of wear or damage to your bridges. They will then be able to perform a repair, which will be faster and cheaper than a replacement.

By following the simple steps above, you can ensure that your dental bridge is a success and lasts for many years. Make sure your daily oral hygiene routine is up to scratch, as well as avoiding crown-destroying foods and seeing your dentist regularly, and you will be able to avoid the inconvenience and costs that come with replacing a bridge. 
