What Should You Do If Your Dentures Are Slipping?

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Dentures are a convenient and affordable way to restore your smile and seek a better quality of life. Unfortunately, they may not always fit perfectly, leading to slipping, sliding, clicking or falling out. This can be frustrating, uncomfortable, and embarrassing, but if you are facing this problem, do not despair. What steps can you take to deal with this issue?

Identify the Cause of the Problem

Before you can solve the problem, you need to understand its cause. There are several reasons why your dentures may be slipping, such as changes in your jawbone or gum tissue, weight loss or poor-fitting dentures. If you have recently lost weight or changed your diet, this may affect the fit of your dentures. Moreover, if your dentures are old, worn or poorly made, they won't stay in place as well as new ones. Schedule an appointment with your dentist or prosthodontist to determine the cause of your slipping and recommend possible solutions.

Use Denture Adhesive

Denture adhesive is a temporary fix that can help keep your dentures in place until you can adjust or replace them. It creates a thin film between your dentures and gums, increasing friction and stability. Choose a high-quality, zinc-free adhesive that is safe for you and won't harm your dentures or oral health. You can find denture adhesive products in the form of cream, powder, strips or pads. However, do not rely on adhesive as a long-term solution and use it as directed.

Reline Your Dentures

If your dentures no longer fit well, you may need to have them relined. This means adding a new layer of acrylic or other material to the base of your dentures to improve their fit and retention. A reline can be hard, soft or temporary, depending on your needs and preferences. A hard reline is a permanent solution that involves grinding down and reshaping your dentures to create a better fit. A soft reline, on the other hand, uses a pliable material to cushion your dentures and relieve pressure on your gums. A temporary reline may be used if you are waiting for new dentures to be made or for healing after oral surgery.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Proper dental care is essential to maintaining healthy gums, teeth and dentures. If you neglect your oral hygiene, you may develop gum disease, infection or other oral problems that can affect the fit and stability of your dentures. 

What to Do Next

In conclusion, denture slipping is a common problem that can affect your daily life and self-confidence. However, there are several ways to manage it effectively, depending on the cause and severity of the issue. However, it's always best to consult your dentist if you are uncertain or cannot take any measures that seem to improve the situation. 

For more information about dentures, contact a local dentist. 
