3 Ways Dental Implants Can Benefit You

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If you have one or more missing teeth, dental implants can be a great option for replacing those lost teeth. Unlike dentures, implants aren't designed to be taken out and won't move around or loosen when you are eating, regardless of how hard or chewy the food is. They consist of a titanium rod that is screwed into your gum and a tooth that is attached to the rod. The tooth is made of porcelain and will match the colour of your existing teeth. Over a period of a few months, the rod and your jawbone will fuse together to create a permanent solution to your missing teeth. You may be wondering why you should bother having a missing tooth replaced, particularly if it's been quite a while since you lost a tooth. Read on to learn about three ways dental implants can benefit you.

Prevention Of Nutritional Deficiencies

Having missing teeth can impact your diet, even if you're not really intending for it to. You may subconsciously reduce or cut certain foods, such as meat and raw fruits and vegetables, out of your diet due to experiencing discomfort eating these foods. However, these types of foods are nutritionally dense, and sticking to a soft diet won't provide the range of nutrients that a varied diet will. Replacing missing teeth with dental implants will allow you to eat whatever you want, as implants are generally as strong and secure as natural teeth.

Prevention Of Bone Loss

When you lose a tooth, the bone that supported that tooth can disintegrate over time. This can cause the facial muscles in that area of your mouth to droop and can alter the appearance of your mouth. Significant bone loss can also limit your options when you decide to have your missing teeth replaced. Dental implants can actually prevent bone loss, as the titanium rod can stimulate your jaw bone in a way that's similar to how your natural teeth interact with your jawbone.

Improved Self-Confidence

If you feel self-conscious about your missing teeth, you're not alone. Many people will try to hide missing teeth by covering their mouths when they talk or smile, but you don't have to go through life feeling uncomfortable when talking to others. Dental implants are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth and, unlike dentures, there is no supporting plastic covering your gums that others may be able to spot.

If you have missing teeth and would like to improve your smile, have a chat with a dentist about dental implants. They can assess your suitability and answer any questions you have. 
